SLAS Member Meet Ups
Recorded On: 06/20/2022
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SLAS Meet-Ups allows you to stay connected to the latest research and opportunities happening within the SLAS global community. Meet-Ups include the following: SLAS Technology Idea Exchange, the SLAS Get Ahead series, Special Interest Group Science Circle series and any in-person or virtual Regional Community Meet-Ups.

SLAS Technology Idea Exchange - G2P Technology
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This month's Technology Idea Exchange will explore Genomics 2 Proteins (G2P) Technology, The Genomics 2 Protein (G2P) portal is a discovery tool to link genetic screening outputs to protein sequence and structure, giving users the capacity to map sequence variation on protein structures.
This conversation will be facilitated by Sumalya Iqbal, Group Leader, Bioinformatics & Computational Biology (BCB), The Center for Development of Therapeutics (CDoT), Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard with SLAS Scientific Director, Lesley Mathews, PhD, moderating the discussion.
Learn more about the background and rationale of bridging genomics to proteins and the challenges in big data integration, automation, and maintenance.
SLAS Technology Idea Exchange - AI Adoption in Drug Discovery
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This online discussion is a follow-up to episode 174 of New Matter: Exploring AI Adoption in Early Drug Discovery (Sponsored by Roche). Join Raminderpal Singh, Ph.D. (HitchhikersAI), and SLAS Scientific Director Lesley Mathews, Ph.D., for a conversation about the results of the Biotech Pain Points survey, which asks about the use of AI/ML in early drug discovery.
Based on the results, the discussion will address:
• Use cases with AI/AML
• Pain points with AI/ML adoption
• Suggestions on how to solve challenges
• The effectiveness of open-source resources
Data Science and AI SIG Science Circle
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The SIG Science Circle will explore the latest developments and breakthroughs in AI/machine learning and other areas of data science. This virtual meeting will allow you to collaborate with leading experts, contribute to establishing industry standards and stay at the forefront of this rapidly evolving field.
SLAS Technology Idea Exchange - Chemoresponse Profiling of Solid Tumors Derived From Patients Combined With Drug-Gene Networking
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Timothy Spicer, Research Professor, and Senior Scientific Director, The Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps Institute for Biomedical Innovation and Technology, will lead this discussion focusing on how the work is done using 3D tissue culture in 1536 well formats, allowing for rapidly triage tumor sensitivity on all known oncology drugs within a matter of days. This conversation will explore how, when combined with RNA sequence data used in synch, this method provides a powerful new platform for precision medicine initiatives.
SLAS Technology Idea Exchange - Modern Labware Identification
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This month's T.I.E. focused on modern labware identification options that maximize your lab automation and organization.
SLAS Technology Idea Exchange - Peptide Screening Challenges and Solutions
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SLAS Technology Idea Exchange - High Content Image Analysis
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Senior Computational Scientist for the Imaging Platform at the Broad Institute of M.I.T. and Harvard Erin Weisbart, Ph.D., will provide her expertise on the challenges with SLAS Scientific Director Lesley Mathews, Ph.D., moderating the discussion.
Learn about the stumbling blocks that can plague any high-content image analysis workflow, including data handoff, quality control, metadata management, scaling workflows, automation, and batch correction.
SLAS Technology Idea Exchange - Enabling Lab Automation in Regulated Environments
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Get Ahead - Change is Good
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Get Ahead - Turn Failure to Success
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Success: What's the science behind it?
Just like the scientific method, failure is an essential part of the process, and is often inevitable. Knowing how to turn failure into success makes most people's heads spin, however the solution is simple: don't work smarter.
It might sound hard to believe, but there's evidence to support the hypothesis: Failing early and making quick recoveries will predict future success.
Moderating the discussion on career navigation is 10x Genomics Senior Manager, Single Cell New Product Development, Meiye Wu, M.A. Pharmacology, Ph.D. Wu invites all students and early career scientists to join her discussion on how to navigate the world of science, technology and industry as a young scientist.
SLAS Technology Idea Exchange - Roadblocks to Research: Technology Trends
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SLAS Technology Idea Exchange – Roadblocks to Research: Mobile Robots
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Aerial Precision Phenotyping in Agriculture
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The development of seed and agrichemical products requires a wide range of varieties, environments, and management practices to be evaluated and advanced. Traditionally, much of the field data collected was done through manual data collection methods. More recently the use of remote sensing and image analytics has supplemented, and in some cases replaced manual data collection leading to a greater data volume, better signal to noise data, and improved model predictions to the cheaper and faster advancement of quality agricultural products.
Q&;A on Biotech Start-Ups
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This conversation features a panel of presenters leading a discussion and taking questions on the different ways a biotechnology start-up company can succeed. Hear from Colin Cox, Ph.D. (Seer), Coleman Murray, Ph.D. (Ferrologix) and Tony Jones, Ph.D. (OneNucleus).
Clusters for All: CRISPR, Gene Editing, and Career Growth in Both
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The July Member Meet-Up “Clusters for All: CRISPR, Gene Editing, and Career Growth in Both” was presented July 29, 2020 by Samuel Hasson, Ph.D., of Voyager Therapeutics and John Doench, Ph.D., of Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. SLAS Board Member Sammy Datwani, Ph.D., moderated the event.
The Science of Beer Making
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This casual conversation led by two SLAS members and avid homebrew experts, John Nelson and Coleman Murray. If you like science and enjoying a cold beer, this SLAS meet up is for you!
Presenting your Science in a Virtual Setting
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Our presenters are both 2020 SLAS Award recipients who have extensive experience with this scenario, and the discussion will be moderated by the 2015 SLAS Innovation Award winner and SLAS Fellow, Jonathan Wingfield with AstraZeneca. We will explore the advantages and disadvantages to presenting your research virtually and there will be plenty of time for open discussion and Q&A.
SLAS Roadblocks to Research: Gripping Challenges
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While robots are the movers that keep automated experiments going 24/7, what about the grippers and gripper fingers that are attached to the robots, grasping precious plates and tubes? While robot arms are often the center of discussion, this Roadblocks to Research event will focus on overcoming the challenges of grasping different plates across a wide range of instrument nests.
In the robot industry, it is often said that “A robot is only as good as the gripper attached to it”.