Microphysiological System to Explore Anti-Cancer Therapies and PK/PD Relationships
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The dynamic and complex crosstalk between target cells and their microenvironment modulates physiological functions, pathological processes, and response to therapy. This crosstalk is mediated by direct cell-cell contact and indirect interactions via secreted soluble mediators, extracellular membrane components and modulators, extracellular vesicles. The difficulties in recapitulating these heterogeneous microenvironments with human cell models, with mature cell functionality and without the confounding effects of heterologous extracellular matrices, are a bottleneck in deciphering the crosstalk mechanisms and predicting their effect on therapeutic efficacy. To overcome these limitations, our team develops 3D cell models of disease, applying advanced cell culture approaches (3D culture, co-culture, cell immobilization) and systems (perfusion, bioreactors) to human pluripotent stem cells, other patient-derived cells, and human cell lines. By integrating cell biology, biochemical, imaging, transcriptomics, and proteomics approaches, we can depict the dynamic modulation of a specific cell microenvironment over time or in response to a therapeutic challenge. Recent advances in innate immune-competent 3D cell models of the central nervous system and carcinomas, and their application in the recapitulation of pathological disease features and utility to address the influence of the immune microenvironment in response to advanced therapeutics, such as gene therapy vectors and biologicals.

Tudor Petreus
Senior Scientist
CN Bio Innovations
Currently employed as Senior Scientist Biology at CN-Bio Innovations, my main roles are related but not limited to:
Usage and development of microfluidic platforms and experimental design: CN-Bio PhysioMimix PK to mimic drugs pharmacokinetic profile on a 3D tumour-on-chip model (tumoroids/organoids);
Complex 3D biological models on microfluidic platforms and related assays: simple/complex 3D cell cultures and adaptation to microfluidic platforms + related endpoint assays.
Expertise with imaging tools devices for high throughput / high content imaging + automation (confocal/light sheet microscopy / image analysis).
Optimizations/tools + accessories development – related to CN-Bio microfluidic platforms.