High-Content Imaging for Drug Discovery: Insights from Assay Design to Primary Models

Cell-based assays are a cornerstone of current drug discovery pipelines. This workshop focuses on the use of high-content screening in the context of drug discovery and drug re-purposing. Participants will learn about current applications of image-based assays and key considerations for assay development as well as model selection. Aspects of clinical testing and precision medicine using high-content imaging will also be highlighted.

Who Should Attend
Industry or academic scientists with some knowledge in cell-based assays or cell-based screening who want to get an introduction into the use of high-content imaging for drug discovery campaigns or drug re-purposing in primary material.

Workshop Benefits
At the end of the workshop participants should have a good overview and understanding of how high-content imaging can aid drug discovery efforts allowing them to pinpoint potential benefits for their current and future research projects.

Workshops Topics
Model systems for image-based screening
Primary cells
Image-based strategies for screening
Unbiased assays (cell painting)
Biology-directed assays
Image and data analysis
Traditional approaches
AI guided
Data storage consideration
Analysis methods suitable for large datasets (i.e. KNIME, R)
Data visualization

Brinton Seashore-Ludlow, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Karolinska Institute/SciLifeLab

Brinton Seashore-Ludlow received her Ph.D. from KTH in 2012. Following her Ph.D. coursework, she did her postdoc in the lab of Stuart Schreiber at the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT. Her work there focused on elucidating predictors of drug response in a large-scale cell line profiling dataset. Seashore-Ludlow then moved to the Chemical Biology Consortium Sweden at SciLifeLab. There she developed several high-throughput adaptations of the cellular thermal shift assay (CETSA). Currently Seashore-Ludlow is an assistant professor of the team headed by Olli Kallioniemi at SciLifeLab. Her work focuses on high-content imaging in primary cells.


High-Content Imaging for Drug Discovery: Insights from Assay Design to Primary Models
Open to view video.
Open to view video. Cell-based assays are a cornerstone of current drug discovery pipelines. This workshop focuses on the use of high-content screening in the context of drug discovery and drug re-purposing. Participants will learn about current applications of image-based assays and key considerations for assay development as well as model selection. Aspects of clinical testing and precision medicine using high-content imaging will also be highlighted.