An automated workflow for highly efficient cell line development for biotherapeutics
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In this spotlight presentation, Mike Helme will give an overview of Cell Line Development (CLD) and its current therapeutics focus. He then moves on to the current challenges faced by many biopharma groups in the CLD market. After introducing the UP.SIGHT™, a multifaceted CLD device, he will explain how this platform addresses many of the challenges with its simple user-friendly interface offering the highest level of single-cell assurance. Some very positive data from an industrial partner with the UP.SIGHT™ will be introduced as well. Finally, Mike Helme will discuss how the CLD workflow has been automated within the C.STATION™ platform.

Mike Helme
Business Development Exec
Mike is the CYTENA Sales Executive for Northern Europe. CYTENA is a pioneer in automated single-cell cloning, and the single-cell dispensing technology developed by the company is used by most of the top 20 pharma companies for stable cell line development. Mike Helme joined CYTENA in January 2022 and works with cell line development customers to optimise and accelerate cell line development processes.