2022 Europe Bio-entrepreneurship Symposium

  • Registration Closed

Startup Ecosystem: Building a Core Team

There are several questions around building a team for a startup. Who should you recruit to your team and why do you need those people? Why is the team important to investors? How do you recruit those people? All these questions will be addressed in this session.


Startup Ecosystem: Communicate with your stakeholders 

Communicating with stakeholders is an important skill to learn. Bio-entrepreneurs needs to understand how to communicate effectively and what communication errors not to make. Join this panel to hear best practices and lessons learned.


Fundraising at Startup Stage

This panel will share the perspectives of start ups and investors in how the relationships should be built between them, and best practices in fundraising.


Collaborations Across the Pond: Technology and Product Development 

Bio-entrepreneurs are not siloed into the region and in this panel we hear about the different perspective of building a start up on opposite side so the pond and how to navigate partnerships and collaboration.


Pitch Practice

Sign up to practice your company and product pitch to a panel of investors and experiences Bio-entrepreneurs. You will receive feedback and recommendations directly.


Building a Booth Hear from experienced vendors on the best way to build your booth and show your self in an exhibition hall. 

